Expression Language

Expression Language

Literal Expressions

A literal expression is evaluated to the text of the expression, which is of type String. A literal expression does not use the ${} or #{} delimiters.

If you have a literal expression that includes the reserved ${} or #{} syntax, you need to escape these characters as follows:

  • By creating a composite expression as shown here:


    The resulting values would then be the strings ${exprA} and #{exprB}.

  • By using the escape characters \$ and \# to escape what would otherwise be treated as an eval-expression:


    The resulting values would again be the strings ${exprA} and #{exprB}.

When a literal expression is evaluated, it can be converted to another type. Table 6-2 shows examples of various literal expressions and their expected types and resulting values.

Table 6-2 Literal Expressions

Expression Expected Type Result
Hi String Hi
true Boolean Boolean.TRUE
42 int 42

Literal expressions can be evaluated immediately or deferred and can be either value or method expressions. At what point a literal expression is evaluated depends on where it is being used. If the tag attribute that uses the literal expression is defined to accept a deferred value expression, when referencing a value, the literal expression is evaluated at a point in the lifecycle that is determined by other factors, such as where the expression is being used and to what it is referring.

In the case of a method expression, the method that is referenced is invoked and returns the specified String literal. For example, the h:commandButton tag of the guessnumber application uses a literal method expression as a logical outcome to tell the JavaServer Faces navigation system which page to display next.


In addition to the . and [] operators discussed in Value and Method Expressions, the EL provides the following operators, which can be used in rvalue expressions only:

  • Arithmetic: +, - (binary), *, / and div, % and mod, - (unary)
  • Logical: and, &&, or, ||, not, !
  • Relational: ==, eq, !=, ne, <, lt, >, gt, <=, ge, >=, le. Comparisons can be made against other values or against Boolean, string, integer, or floating-point literals.
  • Empty: The empty operator is a prefix operation that can be used to determine whether a value is null or empty.
  • Conditional: A ? B : C. Evaluate B or C, depending on the result of the evaluation of A.

The precedence of operators highest to lowest, left to right is as follows:

  • [] .
  • () (used to change the precedence of operators)
  • - (unary) not ! empty
  • * / div % mod
  • + - (binary)
  • < > <= >= lt gt le ge
  • == != eq ne
  • && and
  • || or
  • ? :

Examples of EL Expressions

Table 6-3 contains example EL expressions and the result of evaluating them.

Table 6-3 Example Expressions

EL Expression Result
${1 > (4/2)} false
${4.0 >= 3} true
${100.0 == 100} true
${(10*10) ne 100} false
${'a' < 'b'} true
${'hip' gt 'hit'} false
${4 > 3} true
${1.2E4 + 1.4} 12001.4
${3 div 4} 0.75
${10 mod 4} 2
${!empty param.Add} False if the request parameter named Add is null or an empty string.
${pageContext.request.contextPath} The context path.
${sessionScope.cart.numberOfItems} The value of the numberOfItems property of the session-scoped attribute named cart.
${param['mycom.productId']} The value of the request parameter named mycom.productId.
${header["host"]} The host.
${departments[deptName]} The value of the entry named deptName in the departments map.
${requestScope['javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path']} The value of the request-scoped attribute named javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path.
#{customer.lName} Gets the value of the property lName from the customer bean during an initial request. Sets the value of lName during a postback.
#{customer.calcTotal} The return value of the method calcTotal of the customer bean.


The Java EE 6 Tutorial Expression Language

JSR 341: Expression Language 3.0

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